We Fight Any Claim

We Fight Any Claim

Since 2010, We Fight Any Claim has been one of the UK’s most successful Claims Management Companies and proudly helped over 220,000 customers claim back over £600 million in compensation for mis-sold PPI.

It was your money, and it was worth fighting for!

In August 2019, the Financial Conduct Authority introduced a deadline for making payment protection insurance complaints.

From April 2020, We Fight Any Claim ceased claims management services and commenced an extensive exercise to review outstanding accounts and to exchange information with lenders to conclude remaining claim activity for existing customers.

Due to circumstances out of our control, such as coronavirus restrictions and delays experienced by lenders processing outcomes due to complaint volumes leading up to the deadline, we predict our review will take some time to complete. Please accept our apologies in advance; however, please be assured we will endeavour to progress and communicate as efficiently as possible.

To pay your fee

If we have referred your unpaid fees to a debt collection agency and you would like to make a payment, please get in touch with the debt collector using the contact methods found in their communications to you. You will still be liable for their fees if you attempt to pay us directly.

Pay by bank transfer

Recipient name
We Fight Any Claim Limited

Sort code

Account number

Your We Fight Any Claim reference or payment advice reference (e.g. 87654321 or W123456)

The amount stated on your invoice

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

Yours sincerely
We Fight Any Claim

Contact us

We Fight Any Claim
Unit 1, Brecon Court
William Brown Close
Llantarnam Park
NP44 3AB

Email enquiries: [email protected]